Erik Straume Bussesund
PhD Candidate at Oslo Metropolitan University
Bussesund is currently writing his PhD about the construction of teachers profesional digital competence as policy, practise and epistemic consept at OsloMet. His educational background is in pedagogics and his project is affiliated with the Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education (GFU) at OsloMet. He is also a member of the research group Digital Learning Arenas.
Tell us about your project!
This thesis explores how the teacher's professional digital competence constructs and negotiates professionalism. I am particularly concerned with the increased policy emphasis on digitalisation and the role of the teachers, and how digitalisations policies influence senses of professionalism. There is limited knowledge about how teachers in Norway respond to digitalisations policies. In this study, the empirical data consists of qualification frameworks, policy documents, participant observation of teacher meetings, focus group interviews with teacher educators, individual interviews with teachers, and in addition, review of the peer-reviewed literature. Theoretical perspectives on policy trajectories and professionalism are employed, and in what ways and to what extent educational policy discourse intersects with teachers’ professional discourse are investigated through a discourse-inspired approach. Taken together, these perspectives enable discussions around relationships between constructions of teachers’ professional digital competence made by different actors, how it is related to more institutional, technical, and substantive aspects of teaching, and in what ways language is used to create legitimacy and relevance for teachers’ work.
“I am particularly concerned with the increased policy emphasis on digitalisation and the role of the teachers, and how digitalisations policies influence senses of professionalism.”
— Erik Straume Bussesund on his research project “Integration of Professional Digital Competency in Teacher’s conceptions of professionalism: Digital imaginary reshaping of teacher professionalism”