Digitalization and boundary work
Cross-sector and cross-level collaboration in digitalization
Join us for a two-day seminar exploring digitalization and cross-sector collaboration. The first day will be filled with lectures that address key challenges and opportunities in digital transformation from a variety of perspectives and will conclude with panel debate. On the second day, there will be a scenario workshop where we will explore future scenarios for these complex issues.
Language: Norwegian
Seminar: Digitalization and boundary work
When: February 27-28, 2025
Where: OsloMet, Oslo
Language: Norwegian (simultaneous translation might be arranged for non-Norwegian speakers. Please contact us if you would like to join and need this service).
Deadline for registration: Feb 10
The Norwegian government seeks to improve the coordination of digitalization efforts across sectors and administrative levels. Digital services should function seamlessly across the public sector, simplifying everyday life for citizens, businesses, and civil society organizations. However, increased collaboration also brings challenges and raises several questions, such as:
What is needed to enhance cooperation on digitalization initiatives?
Who should be responsible for developing digital solutions?
How should the costs and benefits of digitalization efforts be distributed?
How should the costs and benefits of digitalization efforts be distributed – between the public and private sectors, between municipalities as frontline service providers, the citizens themselves, and organized civil society?
The seminar will have contributions from a diverse range of experts from academia, the private sector, and public institutions. See the full list of contributors below.
The event is a joint event with the Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) at OsloMet. CEDIC is the host for the DIGIT research school. The lectures and panel debate are open to both DIGIT members and others.
Day 1 - February 27 - Pilestredet 35, Oslo, Auditorium PI 447
11:45–12:30: Lunch for DIGIT members at Fyrhuset - OsloMet Campus Pilestredet
12:45–15:00: Presentations on cross-sector and cross-level collaboration in digitalization:
Welcome by pro-rector for social impact and collaboration, Carl Christian Thodesen, and Professor Marit Haldar – both from OsloMet
What is Digital Boundary work? by Professor Kjetil Rommetveit from University of Bergen
The Idealism That Vanished by Senior Consultant Lars Erik Lie from Ipsos
When the State Collaborates: A Case Study on the New Sick Leave System in NAV by Chief Medical Officer at NAV, Marit Hermansen
From “Applause and Good Pilots” to Upscaling of Cross-Sector Collaboration by Founder & CEO of Nyby, Fredrik Gulowsen
Private Innovation Meets Public Boundaries by BoVel Project Manager Anna-Stina Ferner
Turning Visions into Reality: Stories from Two Innovative Municipalities by Senior Advisor Dag Erik Johnsen, Akershus County Municipality, Project Manager Silje Sande and Program Manager Bjørg Vainio Gjøen from Lillestrøm Municipality’s Teknologiløftet project
Is the Law the Problem or the Solution? Public Procurement of Welfare Technology by Partners & Lawyers at the Law Firm Føyen, Vera Hovelsen and Knut Fiane
15:15-16:00: Panel debate
The panel consists of the CEO of KS Digital, Sidsel Nordhagen, and partner at PA Consulting, Grete Kvernland-Berg. Two more names will be confirmed.
16:00 - Finger food and mingle
Afternoon snacks will be served, providing an opportunity to engage in conversation with some of the day's speakers and contributors.
Day 2 - February 28 - Pilestredet 35, Oslo, Classroom PI246
We will build on the overall theme of boundary work in the seminar and develop four different scenarios to discuss in groups. The scenario workshop will follow this schedule:
09:00–09:45: What are scenarios? Introduction to the method and identification of four scenarios for today's workshop
09:45–10:00: Break
10:00–12:00: Scenario Workshop (including lunch)
12:00–13:00: Presentation and discussion of scenarios
13:00–13:30: Conversation and reflection on the relevance to participants' own projects
The scenario workshop will be led by Professor Alexander Ruser from the University of Agder.
Speakers and Panelists:
Carl Christian Thodesen is Pro-rector for social impact and collaboration at OsloMet. He holds a PhD in materials and statistics and has previously worked as Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Art, and Design at OsloMet.
Fredrik Gulowsen is Founder and CEO of Nyby, a digital collaboration platform that connects available resources with needs in the healthcare and welfare sectors.
Kjetil Rommetveit is Professor at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen. He is interested in the governance of technoscience and researches the public and political roles of technology, based on the field of Science, Technology, and Society (STS).
Vera Hovelsen and Knut Fiane are partners and lawyers at the law firm Føyen, specializing in public procurement, ICT law, and compliance.
Marit Hermansen is Chief Medical Officer at NAV, responsible for overall social security medicine. She has a background as a regular general practitioner and district medical officer and has served as President of the Norwegian Medical Association.
Dag Erik Johnsen is Senior Advisor at Akershus County Municipality, with a background in welfare service development and municipal digitalization projects.
Silje Sande and Bjørg Vainio Gjøen are Project Manager and Program Manager for Teknologiløftet, a digitalization initiative in Lillestrøm Municipality aimed at helping people live independently at home for longer.
Lars Erik Lie is a Senior Consultant at Ipsos, specializing in Norwegian social attitudes and values research.
Anna-Stina Slattum is a Project Manager for BoVel, a social welfare technology initiative in collaboration with Abilia, Oslo Municipality and OsloMet.
Sidsel Nordhagen is CEO of KS Digital, a subsidiary of KS (Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities), which provides digital common services for the municipal sector.
Grete Kvernland-Berg is a Partner at PA Consulting, leading projects within the National Welfare Technology Program. Grete has extensive experience in implementing digital technology, such as digital home monitoring, in collaboration with both primary and specialized healthcare services.
Marit Haldar is a Professor of Sociology at OsloMet, specializing in topics such as childhood, old age, gender, family and social inequality. She leads CEDIC Research Centre and the National Researcher School DIGIT.
Alexander Ruser is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Agder, focusing on political sociology, environmental sociology, and sociology of knowledge. Since September 2022, he has been the director of the Centre for Digital Transformation (CeDiT) at UiA.
Academic Coordinator
Marit Haldar is professor of sociology at OsloMet and the director of DIGIT research school and CEDIC. Throughout her research-career she has been concerned with ideology and cultural analysis of childhood, old age, gender, family and (social) technology. She has also studied marginalized subjects in the welfare state and inequalities in treatment in the health care system from an ideological perspective.