We present the school, partners and new DIGIT members during a 5-day joint kick-off-course. There will be lectures, presentations and roundtable discussions with leading experts and stakeholders from outside the research sector.
DIGIT Kick-off course on Digitalization, culture and society
November 28 - December 2, 2022
Location: Q1015, Mosse Jørgensens klasserom, Pilestredet 42, OsloMet Campus, Oslo
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
OsloMet Holmlia, Holmlia senter, 4th floor (5 etg.), Holmliaveien 75, 1255 Oslo (Wednesday)
Registration: The registration is closed
Each new DIGIT class starts off with a 5-day Kick-off course on Digitalization, Culture and Society. Here, the participants of the research school will get to know each other and the DIGIT partners through lectures from academic partners and partners from the public and private sector, group discussions and presentations.
Have a look at the course program and contributors in the course booklet (pdf).
One full day will be dedicated to each of the four thematic clusters of the school: Digitalization and working life, Digitalization, security, and privacy, Digitalization, service provision and public administration and Digitalization, governance, and democracy.
Accommodation and travel expenses will be covered for all members travelling to Oslo. Rooms will be pre-booked at Thon Hotel Europa (check in November 28th - check out December 2nd).
Contact the DIGIT coordinator if you have questions.