Martine Stecher Nielsen

PhD research fellow at NTNU

Nielsen has an educational background in public and global health and moved to Norway from Denmark in 2018. Equality in health and health care drives her professional interest and she focuses on how digitalization can be used to support and empower patients. Her doctoral thesis will assess how patient portals can be used for adolescents in mental health care.

Tell us about your project!

The PhD-projects examines how digital healthcare (eHealth) can be used to support the treatment of adolescents in mental healthcare. Patient portals are a digital tool that can be accessed by an app or website, where the patient can e.g., access information about their health and treatment, communicate with their healthcare providers and enter telehealth such as online consultations. Patient portals hold a potential to increase patients’ engagement and self-management. Yet, while there has been an increase in adolescents in need of mental health care, and an increase in innovative eHealth solutions such as patient portals, previous research has not yet assessed the use of patient portal for adolescents in mental health care. By mixed-method studies and including both healthcare providers and adolescents in mental health care, this project will provide knowledge on how patient portals can be used in adolescent mental health care.  

“This project will provide knowledge on how patient portals can be used in adolescent mental health care.”

— Martine Stecher Nielsen on her research project “Bruk av pasientportal for ungdom i psykisk helsevern”